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Room & Shower Spray: Unwind & Uplift - Coconut Lime Verbena Scent

Room & Shower Spray: Unwind & Uplift - Coconut Lime Verbena Scent

Regular price $13.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $13.00 USD
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Unwind & Uplift - Coconut, Lime, Verbena Scent 🍹: This refreshing scent is perfect for clearing the mind and promoting relaxation. It’s a great choice for anyone looking to uplift their spirits and indulge in some self-care.🤎


The new Room & Shower Spray Collection by Glow Beautifully was inspired by the idea of incorporating self-care into everyday routines. The scents in this collection are carefully curated to create a calming and rejuvenating atmosphere in both living spaces and personal care routines. 🍃 

By using our room and shower sprays, you can experience the benefits of Aromatherapy in the comfort of your own home. Our room sprays allow you to easily diffuse essential oils into the air, creating a self-care sanctuary atmosphere in any room. Simply spritz a few times into the air and enjoy the refreshing scent.


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